BYE NIGGZ Posted July 10, 2020 Share Posted July 10, 2020 Your Username: A: Adam Ashford Your SteamID: A: STEAM_0:1:74043329 Your Discord Name and #: A: Adam Ashford#8773 Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?: A: Yes, once I got perma banned. I returned to the server after 3/4 years and on the very first day of returning I was thinking that I am ‘defending’ my shop when a minger/propblocker was building props to block my shop and close the whole mid-section of the map. When there were no admins to help. I took matters into my own silly hands and began (after many times verbally warning him to stop) started killing him every time he would return and continue to build further blocks to fully block my store shelves and the whole mid-section of the map. Well I learned my lesson and I know this is not an appropriate ‘defense’ against such minger. Other than that, of course I got jailed quite a few times over many hours of gameplay for silly or in most cases accidental player RDM/ARDM (damaging) ec… nothing serious. Your Age: A: 22 Your Timezone: A: GMT+2 Time Played: A: "297:01:49" + Staffing Experience (Optional): A: Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph): A: Well, it can go either way – I just want to help out, as I see (not to sound critical) but at times I have observed lack of sits being taken and sometimes for prolonged periods of time. I think I can help out with that, at least a bit. And generally, I am the one who some call “cry baby” or other unsavory words – for my relentless activeness in reporting individuals who are breaking the rules. As I have opened so many sits / players come to me and say, “hey don’t piss off Adam coz he will report you” and they are at part right. I get "pissed off" when I see individuals breaking the rules especially when they do it with intend to harm or rather negatively affect someone’s playing experience. I personally enjoy when there is order in the server or at least resemblance of it, as only then the true RP can flourish. My application is just my desire to assist the community, even as some parts of it would hate seeing me as a mod / as I do not “allow” rule breakers realm free. Anyways, I do not plan to re-upload my application if it gets denied (unless I made some mistakes submitting it), I just want to offer my services to the community and the community will decide, your call. How often can you be on the server?: A: Well, on a daily basis most of the times, but of course there are days that you simply want to/have to live your life ‘to the fullest’. Are you familiar with the rules?: A: Yes, with the amount of time I racked up in the server it is kind of inevitable to learn ins and outs. Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server? A: Yes, however I can view staffing as a “court system” of sorts and as such personally see it as “part of RP” even thou I fully understand it is not. Are you aware that you must be active on the discord/forums aswell as in-game to keep a staff position if you are accepted? (Recommended to be active on both before applying) A: Yes. What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User): A: User. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
{Rees} - Nova Prospekt Posted July 10, 2020 Share Posted July 10, 2020 Major +Support +Chill +Not a minge +Doesn't hesitate to report troublemakers +Fun guy +Decent app Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Insert White Name Posted July 10, 2020 Share Posted July 10, 2020 -support -not familiar with a lot of the rules -past ban - not active on forms/discord + support good hours Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trippy/Cardigan Posted July 10, 2020 Share Posted July 10, 2020 -support pervious bans gets angry too easily. doesnt know the rules too well Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kieserite Posted July 10, 2020 Share Posted July 10, 2020 - Support 1 "Yes, however I can view staffing as a “court system” of sorts and as such personally see it as “part of RP” even thou I fully understand it is not." Sits should not be taken as lightly as RP, if you are in an RP mindset you will not take the sits seriously. Sits are a comletely seperate system than RP and should not be treated as such. 2 Your attitude towards other players is appalling for someone who wishes to be staff, I mean I am a horrible person and all that but you have an issue with easily being set off and that is a horrible trait for a staff member. 3. Discord/Forum activity low +Support 1. Good hours and a great timezone to help balance out when other staff will be online. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BigMonkey Posted July 10, 2020 Share Posted July 10, 2020 -Support -Your really a toxic guy. -You have anger issues you need to fix that. -doesn't follow any rules. -Discord/Forums Activity Low. -You Don't follow all of the rules in the game. -You try to get other people in trouble. +/-Support +/-Your a fun guy to play with in MB but your a minge in Gamechat/Voicechat +/-You'll be a toxic admin in my opinion. +Support -Sum what good amount of hours. Putin_Walk.mp4.99c941dfc5953bff26b4de9b03280383.mp4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fat Mak Posted July 10, 2020 Share Posted July 10, 2020 +Support: -Doesn't get punished too often. -Pretty active. -Mature guy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jush Posted July 10, 2020 Share Posted July 10, 2020 I think like a month ago you got angry with the server for some reason and you started mass rdming and berating staff for no apparent reason. Your quite toxic to people and have a short fuse your not that active on the discord or forums -support Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BillCosby Posted July 10, 2020 Share Posted July 10, 2020 -Support - Doesnt follow rules - Argues - Gets toxic when angry - Quick to anger I think you'd be the next Fat Mak, so that's a yikes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Retch Posted July 10, 2020 Share Posted July 10, 2020 -support minge (has been banned before) doesn't know the rules that well 7 hours ago, Jush said: I think like a month ago you got angry with the server for some reason and you started mass rdming and berating staff for no apparent reason. Your quite toxic to people and have a short fuse ^ no discord or forums activity obviously gets angry easily Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ImTheLetterE Posted July 10, 2020 Share Posted July 10, 2020 - support bro youre toxic asf you are also fucking brain dead you dont know the rules well you have such a short temper youd probably be a worse staff than fat mak, and thats saying something Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TyerIsTop Posted July 10, 2020 Share Posted July 10, 2020 -Support -You're toxic and all you do is minge -You don't know the rules (You called like 3 false SITs yesterday) -You'd make a shit biased staff - sorry not sorry Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SexDrugsAndViolence Posted July 10, 2020 Share Posted July 10, 2020 MAJOR -SUPPORT Extremely toxic, immature and many more I don't wanna mention cause I'll probably get banned on the forums. You have no idea how the server/rules work. Horrible personality. Not active on the forums unless it's for your stupid gang/company that no one cares enough to understand what it is. Crying more than a 9 month old baby. Got perm banned. You need professional help. P.S. lmao I thought you were older. Don't call me a kid again I'm older than you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChabulaChoo Posted July 11, 2020 Share Posted July 11, 2020 +support -#AdamForStaff2020 -that’s -it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mr. T [LZS] Posted July 11, 2020 Share Posted July 11, 2020 -support -anger issues -low forum activity -low discord activity -previous ban -kinda mingy -toxic +support -good hours/playtime Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert. Posted July 11, 2020 Share Posted July 11, 2020 Denied You may reapply in one week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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