Kermit Suicide Posted September 24, 2020 Share Posted September 24, 2020 Your Username: A: Bravo Your SteamID: A: STEAM_0:0:454552253 Your Discord Name and #: A: Bravo#6614 Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?: A: yeah i was perm banned but it was false and i got brand to unban me, this happened like 2 years ago lol Your Age: A: 16 (been here since late ~2018) Your Timezone: A: PST Time Played: A: ~600-800 hours idek thats a screenshot of me a LONGGGGGGGG time ago, when I was not really active u can see I was in a party with ominous and me and him we're good friends at the time we used to build bases together, us vs. the server man. Staffing Experience (Optional): A: yeah a lot of staffing experience, like on icefuse and stuff and toby gaming as I served as the senior admin. here was a screenshot of me working at Icefuse under the alias of the name BRAVO, not miskie, I made a thread talking about that in general. Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph): A: because i have shown dedication to this server, I made 17 applications to become staff, and this was over the span of 2 YEARS, i made this forum account of april of 2019 but i started to play the game in 2018 and i have been in the game ever since, i am quite active on the server you can ask EZ or any other members or residents i hang out with in this community. I was a minge quite literally maybe the biggest minge ever, yes I was toxic, but if we go in a discord call right now i can prove to you otherwise, i changed over the 2 years lol and basically everyone i encounter in the server likes me other than the rule breakers, and 2 years of community service here, by service i mean attending, and if i hated this server so much just to abuse the admin power in ONE DAY, because some people think i would abuse it even though i bought exhibitionist on 2 servers and i was here for 2 damn years, i wouldnt spend 2 years to be demoted within a day, i was here before people even had garrysmod recently, and i have been a good boy me and egg however have not been on good terms and if u readin this bro no hard feelings, i am not apologizing for the +1 but lately i've been trying to contact you within the past month and tell u I was joking around and ur cute asf no cap I wont detail applications like i used to, i wont reply unless its false information about me or defamation of character label, i am done making 4 essays for an application lol, i fit the requirements i made this pretty detailed of me, only the og's know who kermit suicide is lol. I am the king of the emoji. ^ i fitted the requirements of a paragraph just saying lol How often can you be on the server?: A: if i get accepted i plan to double, maybe triple my time on the server. (so like 6 hours in a week day regardless of school) - and on the weekends all day essentially Are you familiar with the rules?: A: yes Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server? A: yes i accept Are you aware that you must be active on the discord/forums aswell as in-game to keep a staff position if you are accepted? (Recommended to be active on both before applying) A: yes i have been active within discord, in game, and I've been trying to be active on the forums by greeting people and such, i have a fair post count. What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User): A: exhibitionist Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Switch Posted September 24, 2020 Share Posted September 24, 2020 +support A lot of hours -support Rushed application Has been inactive Overall -support Good luck Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kermit Suicide Posted September 24, 2020 Author Share Posted September 24, 2020 3 minutes ago, Switch said: Good luck im going to need it i appreciate ur response btw Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Insert White Name Posted September 24, 2020 Share Posted September 24, 2020 -support I never see you on your app looks really rushed you only started posting make a staff app you have a pretty bad rep in the community from what I see Overall I'm going to have to give you a fat - Support Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChabulaChoo Posted September 24, 2020 Share Posted September 24, 2020 You seem like a cool guy, but -Support -You seem to have a bad rep with people -Meh app -Not seen you in-game once. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blac potat Posted September 24, 2020 Share Posted September 24, 2020 I haven't seen your other apps, but its worth noting that the definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" (Albert Einstein). After 17 of them, there must be something that you're continually doing that is preventing you from being accepted. Perhaps its the lack of effort in your app? Perhaps its a lack of community involvement? Perhaps its a poor public opinion? Perhaps its all three, and maybe even more. - support Also, don't reply on your app, regardless of what's posted against you. "You are to respect others opinions about you and your application. Do not start arguments." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kevroe43 Posted September 24, 2020 Share Posted September 24, 2020 -support i thought when you messaged me to apologize about how mingey you were it was genuine but I guess not! You apologized to me and RIGHT after asked me about how to get staff? Kinda fucked -inactive -low activity on all platforms -minge -sorry but that’s hella fucked if you want staff you need to be active and well known Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
George Sr Nicker Posted September 24, 2020 Share Posted September 24, 2020 @Kermit Suicide You’re choosing to make an application that’s peer reviewed. Seeing as this is your 17th application you’re fully aware of this. Do not start arguments in your application. Take it to DMs if there’s an issue and let the cards fall, where they’re gonna fall. Best of luck with your application. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ImTheLetterE Posted September 24, 2020 Share Posted September 24, 2020 - support nah, just nah not active on anything havent seen you in game yet youve been clearing up past tensions only because you wanna be staff supposedly you were arguing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jush Posted September 24, 2020 Share Posted September 24, 2020 -support Arguing on a staff app You show no intention of being active until you want staff Toxic and a minge App is horrible (you don't start a sentence with "because" thats some 1st grade shit) you rushed it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mark Stinnson Posted September 25, 2020 Share Posted September 25, 2020 -Support -Short Tempered (Arguing In staff app kinda Immature) -Your an OG but your inactive as fuck -Rushed app Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
George Sr Nicker Posted September 25, 2020 Share Posted September 25, 2020 Major -Support -Extremely petty and obnoxious to the point of immaturity -Constant arguing and bickering about every slight criticism against his character -Shows no major or minor “change” to himself and the way he behaves as he’s claimed multiple times -Extraordinarily lacking in positive attributes that could make him a good staff member in any stretch of the imagination +/-None +None Should absolutely not be staff, immature simply does not suffice in describing Kermit Suicide. Not only has he succeeded in alienating Egg, he’s alienated almost everybody with his reactions to Egg’s successful attempts to agitate him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vexyzs Posted September 25, 2020 Share Posted September 25, 2020 -Support -A big minge according to other users -meh app -Just came back to the community Overall: -Support, You have applied enough times to know how to make an application. Also you need to be more active and mend a good relationship with the community. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Basilisk Posted September 25, 2020 Share Posted September 25, 2020 Denied. You may reapply in one week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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