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George Sir Nicker Report


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Your in-game name:

 Sexy Nigga BiG MAN

Staff members name: George Sir Nicker


Staff member SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/): STEAM_0:1:21919463


Explain what happened: I was insulting George, he never jailed me and once I stopped he brought me to a sit with no one else there and banned me. So pretty much he took his own sit and banned me for 1 day without jails. That same day he also rdmed Maze and got jailed for 5 minutes.


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. This is required! Saying "just check server logs" isn't evidence.)

unknown.pngAdmin Log (Via Insert)

unknown.pngChat Log (Via Insert)

unknown.pngChat Log Showing RDM. (Via Insert)


I'd like to say that I know I am a minge and I am against snitching. I let staff get away with a lot because I don't care, however George has had a grudge against me and my friends for a while now. Finally someone has evidence to show it. I wouldn't care even if he was just a staff that dislikes me, the fact that he uses his staff power to ban me is annoying. I have never snitched, but I wouldn't be able to play if I have to put up with being banned unfairly. I don't snitch, but he is stopping me from playing the game. If he had jailed me than banned me for doing it more than I would've been perfectly fine. 

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-Clear evidence 

-Took his own sit 

-Now I’m chill with George never really done anything to me but I can say he has taken his own sit before he’s done it to me and others. I never really care because it’s usually minor and dose not really affect me, but this is different, he false banned you. 

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2 minutes ago, xd lol said:


+evidence shows him taking his own sit 

+also i think banning someone for "excessive harassment" is quite  ridiculous to say the least

I don’t even think its a valid punishment in the staff guidelines (coming from ex staff)

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You've been harassing from 10 mins or so after I joined and continued through me telling you that you need to stop harassing me on three separate occasions, It's a disruption to not only my gameplay but others gameplay... I brought you to tell you something along the lines of if you continued harassing, you'd be banned and if you stopped we'd be good. You said you didn't care what I was saying and to put you back so I said alright Ill have to ban you for excessive harassment since you're obviously not gonna stop.


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1 hour ago, George Sr Nicker said:

You've been harassing from 10 mins or so after I joined and continued through me telling you that you need to stop harassing me on three separate occasions, It's a disruption to not only my gameplay but others gameplay... I brought you to tell you something along the lines of if you continued harassing, you'd be banned and if you stopped we'd be good. You said you didn't care what I was saying and to put you back so I said alright Ill have to ban you for excessive harassment since you're obviously not gonna stop.


I had already stopped talking in OOC you brought me 10-15 minutes after I stopped. You have no reason to say that I was going to continue when I had already stopped. I got annoyed because you brought me and I was doing something. Maybe if you had jailed me first I would've stopped but you went straight to ban. I literally wouldn't have cared if you self-sitted than jailed me, but instead you decided to false ban me.

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1 hour ago, George Sr Nicker said:

You've been harassing from 10 mins or so after I joined and continued through me telling you that you need to stop harassing me on three separate occasions, It's a disruption to not only my gameplay but others gameplay... I brought you to tell you something along the lines of if you continued harassing, you'd be banned and if you stopped we'd be good. You said you didn't care what I was saying and to put you back so I said alright Ill have to ban you for excessive harassment since you're obviously not gonna stop.


Yeah where in staff guidelines is the punishment for “excessive harassment”, did you get this ban approved by @Basilisk

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1 hour ago, George Sr Nicker said:

You've been harassing from 10 mins or so after I joined and continued through me telling you that you need to stop harassing me on three separate occasions, It's a disruption to not only my gameplay but others gameplay... I brought you to tell you something along the lines of if you continued harassing, you'd be banned and if you stopped we'd be good. You said you didn't care what I was saying and to put you back so I said alright Ill have to ban you for excessive harassment since you're obviously not gonna stop.


You should have jailed him first. You wanted it to "escalate" to a ban (shouldn't have even been a ban). You have an obvious grudge on him, and you wanted to get him banned. AND you took your own sit.

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14 hours ago, Egg said:

don’t even think its a valid punishment in the staff guidelines (coming from ex staff)

This is a valid punishment, Head admins+ can ban for a day for excessive harassment.
It wasn't a false ban, however he took his own sit which isn't allowed.

That being said, Accepted, staff member should've made a sit instead of dealing with it himself.
The staff member in question will be dealt with accordingly.

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