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Default's Staff Application


Should Default Become Staff?  

12 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Default Become Staff?

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Your Username:

A: Default

Your SteamID:

A: STEAM_0:0:437936449

Your Discord Name and #:

A: gnatxski#4140

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: Yes, I have been banned multiple times but I have changed since then for sure!!!

Your Age:

A: 16

Your Timezone:


Time Played:

A: 878 Hours

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: Ex Staff on MBRP was demoted, will get into detail if accepted

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: I am very familiar and adapted to the resources the staff use, such as rdm manager, and logs, since I was EX staff on MBRP as mentioned above. I have a good mic, so people will hear me clearly, which helps because often staff are very quiet when I am in the sit room which kind of impairs my ability to comprehend what's going on, so a good mic is helpful. I am a very social person, and am very easy to get along with. I also most of all changed, and am not mingy anymore, and do follow rules. I also know every rule by heart which a lot of people indeed lie about on their applications. I also am chill with most staff so it wont be hard to get along with the team. I also don't get mad so when players talk shit I won't start screaming (No one say i get mad i dont its a joke when i scream). The biggest reason you should hire me for staff though is that I'm an OG viber there's some no namers out here come on let the vets have a chance plz! Thank you for your consideration for me becoming staff.  I will not disappoint!!

How often can you be on the server?:

A: Everyday

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: Yes

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Yes


Are you aware that you must be active on the discord/forums aswell as in-game to keep a staff position if you are accepted? (Recommended to be active on both before applying)

A: Yes

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):

A: Exhibitionist

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you only just joined back the community again 

you have only been ingame like 3 or 4 times

id say leave it a week or 2 so you become active ingame again sorry 

not active on forums or discord either

does minge ingame a bit 


Just got sent this , you prop blocked an area/broke the rules while applying for staff !


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sorry but Jesus Christ no you are nice but you only started to be active recently and even then you have been “mingeing”, you also have been staff before and even then you lasted only a few days, you have lied about your age not long ago saying your 18 , finally you got jailed for prop blocking me minutes ago 


Over all -support you are a train wreck get your self together!

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21 hours ago, SaintG4Life said:


you only just joined back the community again 

you have only been ingame like 3 or 4 times

id say leave it a week or 2 so you become active ingame again sorry 

not active on forums or discord either

does minge ingame a bit 


Just got sent this , you prop blocked an area/broke the rules while applying for staff !


^ ^

this says everything

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Hehe this is great 


you hopped in a call and told people to kys started arguing about shit and got fucked because you were being a dick you showed many people a dox file of peoples ips you scammed a kid and asked for money in return to remove malware you installed on the kids computer and when we confronted you you started saying “you still play garrys mod” like you are applying and when we made valid points you got pissed and don’t lie at all because I will go back and get all the video clips and dms needed to support my claim you never deserve to come back and it’s gonna stay that way try a different role play server you fuckin low life. I promise you will not get staff while I’m here maybe I left but what you did is not acceptable and I’m going to treat you like your community banned. Because how you mulipulate people into believing your sick lies @Braedenwas there as well was many other staff. This is something called the honest truth something you could never tell you lied about knowing and doing code when @Ambiio confronted you you lied about making lots of money from selling illegal shit to people you lied to people in this community to make yourself feel better you selfish bitch seriously I hope you never come back to this community after this staff app because people are going to see the real you.

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15 minutes ago, landen with a capital L said:

Hehe this is great 


you hopped in a call and told people to kys started arguing about shit and got fucked because you were being a dick you showed many people a dox file of peoples ips you scammed a kid and asked for money in return to remove malware you installed on the kids computer and when we confronted you you started saying “you still play garrys mod” like you are applying and when we made valid points you got pissed and don’t lie at all because I will go back and get all the video clips and dms needed to support my claim you never deserve to come back and it’s gonna stay that way try a different role play server you fuckin low life. I promise you will not get staff while I’m here maybe I left but what you did is not acceptable and I’m going to treat you like your community banned. Because how you mulipulate people into believing your sick lies @Braedenwas there as well was many other staff. This is something called the honest truth something you could never tell you lied about knowing and doing code when @Ambiio confronted you you lied about making lots of money from selling illegal shit to people you lied to people in this community to make yourself feel better you selfish bitch seriously I hope you never come back to this community after this staff app because people are going to see the real you.

Thank you this is incredibly  well worded and puts into detail my opinions, he tried to fix me like a year ago and when ever I think of him, I get sad.

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58 minutes ago, landen with a capital L said:

Hehe this is great 


you hopped in a call and told people to kys started arguing about shit and got fucked because you were being a dick you showed many people a dox file of peoples ips you scammed a kid and asked for money in return to remove malware you installed on the kids computer and when we confronted you you started saying “you still play garrys mod” like you are applying and when we made valid points you got pissed and don’t lie at all because I will go back and get all the video clips and dms needed to support my claim you never deserve to come back and it’s gonna stay that way try a different role play server you fuckin low life. I promise you will not get staff while I’m here maybe I left but what you did is not acceptable and I’m going to treat you like your community banned. Because how you mulipulate people into believing your sick lies @Braedenwas there as well was many other staff. This is something called the honest truth something you could never tell you lied about knowing and doing code when @Ambiio confronted you you lied about making lots of money from selling illegal shit to people you lied to people in this community to make yourself feel better you selfish bitch seriously I hope you never come back to this community after this staff app because people are going to see the real you.

^^^ - I do agree with this very much as i said he should not be trusted ive heard people talking about what he has done and when i was in vc with @Ryan ツ he was showing like 100ds of ips of steam account and possibly there passwords - i have a clip but im not showing it here etc as it would be classed as doxxing

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2 hours ago, landen with a capital L said:

Hehe this is great 


you hopped in a call and told people to kys started arguing about shit and got fucked because you were being a dick you showed many people a dox file of peoples ips you scammed a kid and asked for money in return to remove malware you installed on the kids computer and when we confronted you you started saying “you still play garrys mod” like you are applying and when we made valid points you got pissed and don’t lie at all because I will go back and get all the video clips and dms needed to support my claim you never deserve to come back and it’s gonna stay that way try a different role play server you fuckin low life. I promise you will not get staff while I’m here maybe I left but what you did is not acceptable and I’m going to treat you like your community banned. Because how you mulipulate people into believing your sick lies @Braedenwas there as well was many other staff. This is something called the honest truth something you could never tell you lied about knowing and doing code when @Ambiio confronted you you lied about making lots of money from selling illegal shit to people you lied to people in this community to make yourself feel better you selfish bitch seriously I hope you never come back to this community after this staff app because people are going to see the real you.

Didn’t you leave the community what was that post about why are you still here did you change your mind 

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I don't know why you're trying to apply for staff when you go and start insulting like a little kid, saying the "n word", and calling people "simp".

If you were a mod, you'd be the worst.

This just happened and everyone who were at the USA spawn a few minutes ago also saw this.


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