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Staff Application Template:


Your Username:

A: nonym

Your SteamID:


Your Discord Name and #:


Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A:Jail 5min (I was because the rules changed and I forgot about them but I already know them)

Your Age:

A:14 I'll be 15 in week

Your Timezone:

A:all day

Time Played:

A:all day

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A:I haven't been yet

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A:Because I'm from the Czech Republic and we have a different time, so when you sleep you I'll be online and sometimes I'm online all night

How often can you be on the server?:


Are you familiar with the rules?:

A:I often started playing mexican border and I've been there all day, I haven't turned anything else yet

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A:I don't do anything else anyway


Are you aware that you must be active on the discord/forums aswell as in-game to keep a staff position if you are accepted? (Recommended to be active on both before applying)

A:No problem 

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):

A:User but I'll buy it tomorrow [MBRP] EXHIBITIONIST 

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Broke TOS multiple times

Horrible application

Didn't answer the questions properly.

That’s not a paragraph at all 

Extremely bad grammar

Never seen you or heard anything from you.

Never posted anything in the discord

Overall, -Support. Sorry but no, just no.

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