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 me mafio bill

niggerhater i think he changed his name to doodoofeces, sgt sizzles,



Explain what happened: they were raiding my base without adverting and kept comming back a bunch of times so i blocked off my door way, they somehow gliched into my base and destroyed all my money printers then demoted me from my hacker job locked me in a box for 15 -20 mins then prop blocked my base so i couldnt get inside then rdmed me a bucnch of times then kept on trying to lock me in another box but were unsuccessful now they just keep demoting me this has been going on since the server refreshed i may have messed up some of the order of things and left things out  


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. Saying "just look at server logs" isn't evidence) i have alot of evidence my discord is JESUS#2094 i will screen share with you to show u some of it 

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