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EXIT'S Base series. BASE 1


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Wassup my border RP friends!


I was thinking about something cool I could do, which is to release a series of bases aimed at lower-ranked donators or regular users.

Since most bases are sick as hell, but only for Exhibitionists!


So this is the first one. it is aimed at users who have VIP or higher. Hence why it isn't that advanced. Enjoy tho!


Here is some info about the Base:

Prop Amount: 55 Props

Rank?: VIP or higher

Where?: The blue double door in the industrial area. (as seen in the video start)


Security Pros and cons:


+ Uses elevated levels, to make them fly around more. ;)

+ Max fading doors.

+ Doors are around the corners. To delay insta breaches and break-in speed.


- No Anti-Coke or Speed Swep, Contraptions. (Due to prop limit)

- Busy ish area.


Pictures and break-in tour:






Entry Video:






Download link:


(Put this file in your advdupe2 folder in the Garry's mod data folder)


Final message:


So, this concludes the first base of the series...

Let me know what you think of the base, and if I should continue this series!


(want me to make a base for a specific building? Let me know in the comments! ) 

Love you all,


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