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Nezz User Report


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Your in-game name: Rudolf Hess


Users IGN: Nezz


Users SteamID: STEAM_0:1:582887060


Explain what happened:  Nezz broke NLR and captured my territories without any adverts whatsoever while no admins were on to assist.  Called his gang to assist him in taking my statue territory and they made no advert aswell.


Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. Saying "just look at server logs" isn't evidence) https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/kTkDL7LdH1dfD/d1337AKnsfhS?invite=cr-MSwya3osNDMyOTU0OTUs 


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The first clip is in a middle of a gunfight and there is no proof showing that he did not advert counter. There is no proof of NLR. The only thing I see from that first clips is that his friends did not advert counter, but I don't their SteamIDs. The second the territories had almost gotten taken so the advert could have been farther back.


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