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Don BERNGABUS staff application

Don BERNGABUS staff application   

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Should i be allowed to be staff?

    • yes
    • no

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                                                                                                                                                              Your Username:


Your SteamID:


Your Discord Name and #:


Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

Yes, for rdm and rdk

Your Age:


Your Timezone:


Time Played:

311 hours

Staffing Experience (Optional):

I have experience from being a staff in two other Garry's mod dark rp servers

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

I could bring benefits to being a staff member. I also take sits seriously and i pay attention in sits. I have a good rep and friendship with most admins. I have broken some rules before, but the rules broken were on accident and i am not the type of person to break rules. I would take sit when im told to and when i see them. I would like to help out the server and help other people. i was a co-owner on a server named bois toy box dark rp (no longer a server). i was a moderator in another server. i have been staff in different servers for 5 years. i was rated one of the best staff members in those two servers. i can normally be active for multiple hours a day until my work starts back again where i need to be at work. i can try to be active as much as i can. im really glad i can maybe start working with the super cool staff.

How often can you be on the server?:

Almost everyday mostly on weekends

Are you familiar with the rules?:

Yes i am mostly familiar with the motd and the rules

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

I am very aware of that and i am fine with it 

Are you aware that you must be active on the discord/forums as well as in-game to keep a staff position if you are accepted? (Recommended to be active on both before applying)

I am aware of this as well and as before im well ok with it

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):

VIP but i will upgrade to exib soon 



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2 hours ago, LlamaJuice42 said:


mingey ash

you advertised your staff app

short paragraph

minimum required posts

no for me. the staff app was minimal, you said youd bring benefits but you didnt really say what benefits you would bring. half of your paragraph was previous moderation, which you couldve talked about all at a different part. “staffing experience”. 


really i never advertised it.


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- Staff Experience
- Good Hours

- Not the maturity of a 21 year old
- Edited App
- Not active discord/forums
- Meh paragraph. You talked about staff experience in the paragraph, not "why you should be accepted"
What makes you different? What qualities do you personally bring to the team that can benefit the server and its players.
- Grammar/Spelling mistakes
- Somewhat mingy, not many people that are staff like to associate with him.
- Advertising App. Poll is extremely unbelievable when most comments are -supporting you....
- Has been punished 7 times already this month and it's only been 4 days.
(Punished 3 times yesterday?? like.. not fit for staff at all)


It's going to be a no from me. Good luck though

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hella active ingame

good ish app

nice hours

nice ingame

some guy was shouting at him and racist towards him and he just sat there trying to calm the guy down and talk it out being very respectable 

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-Bad Rep With Community

-Gave Yourself A Shoutout (Staff App)

-Mostly "No" On Poll

-No Valid Reason For Past Bans




Better Luck Next Time BUT This Is Not The Time For YOU

Better Yourself With Exhibition Community



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3 hours ago, The Missing Creator said:



-Bad Rep With Community

-Gave Yourself A Shoutout (Staff App)

-Mostly "No" On Poll

-No Valid Reason For Past Bans




Better Luck Next Time BUT This Is Not The Time For YOU

Better Yourself With Exhibition Community



@Soap or Die

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3 hours ago, beastsounds45 said:

+ None

-/+ Mingy AF
-/+ Immature for age

- Everytime i see you in-game you are either trolling or in some way breaking the rules
- Every encounter i have had with you ends up in you rdm'ing me...
- Def not fit for the Staff Team

Overall: - SUPPROT
Good Luck Ig


@Soap or Die

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+ support 

always been nice to me 

good hours 

good experience 


previous punishments and warns

suspected to advertise 

little bit toxic to some players

overall +- support 


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On 8/4/2022 at 1:53 PM, Fuzed said:

- Staff Experience
- Good Hours

- Not the maturity of a 21 year old
- Edited App
- Not active discord/forums
- Meh paragraph. You talked about staff experience in the paragraph, not "why you should be accepted"
What makes you different? What qualities do you personally bring to the team that can benefit the server and its players.
- Grammar/Spelling mistakes
- Somewhat mingy, not many people that are staff like to associate with him.
- Advertising App. Poll is extremely unbelievable when most comments are -supporting you....
- Has been punished 7 times already this month and it's only been 4 days.
(Punished 3 times yesterday?? like.. not fit for staff at all)


It's going to be a no from me. Good luck though

most of those warns were false:/


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15 minutes ago, the russian man said:

some dude and his friend changed names to make false videos and warns, happens a lot with me plus I never advertised it was a lie made from a gang I'm in gang war with

I searched it by your steam ID 64... stop lying lol

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