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Mr.TITANS staff application


Mr.TITANS MBRP Staff Application   

11 members have voted

  1. 1. Am I Worthy For being staff?

    • Yes!
    • No!

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Your Username:


Your SteamID (Ex: STEAM_0:1:449933025):

A: (STEAM_0:1:156231304)

Your Discord Name and #:

A: BER$ERK#3524

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A:Yes I have. I was warned for killing someone that was prop blocking

Your Age:

A: 17

Your Timezone:

A: MST (Mountain Standard Time)

Time Played:

A:122H 30 Mins

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: Staffed on other games but I learn fast

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: I really enjoy this game and this community,I'm on the server almost every day unless I'm busy with something. I have staffed on other games that also have RP servers such as this,I'm also good at handling heated situations and can handle pressure pretty well. I have pretty good communication skills and can work well In a team. I believe that I possess the qualities and skills required to be an effective and reliable staff member. I am committed to ensuring that the server remains a safe and enjoyable environment for all players.

How often can you be on the server?:

A: Pretty close to everyday

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: Yes

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Yes which Is fine I like helping people


Are you aware that you must be active on the discord/forums aswell as in-game to keep a staff position if you are accepted? (Recommended  but not required to be active on both before applying)

A: Yes I haven't been that active In either yet but I've been reading through the forums a lot recently.

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):

A: User, should be getting exhibitionist soon.

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