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HERB's Staff Aplication


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Staff Application Template:


Your Username:

A: Steam (exon3946) Exhibition (HERB)

Your SteamID:

A: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198835166283/ (don't know how to properly find SteamID)

Your Discord Name and #:

A:  HERB#1979 

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: To Be Honest Yes, I have been jailed Two times. My first time RDMx1 and jailed for 5 min (this happened well before ten hours in the game), the second time I forgot not going to lie but was probably a misclick RDMx1 (before I knew /advert)

Your Age:

A: Fourteen: 02/24/05 (MM/DD/YY)

Your Timezone:


Time Played:

A: between 72 and 73 hours

Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: None Prior But Willing To Learn

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: While playing I notice the little things that go on in the server. From FailRP to Scamming ( I am a victim thanks Lunaa for helping me out) I realized that those little things can ruin a players experience. I try to encourage others to play by the rules. when I submit reports to staff I don't usually punish them but I report it so they learn that its not cool. if it comes down to punishment then I have no problem with that. I just really want people to play correctly

How often can you be on the server?:

A: My parents are divorced and my mom and dad have 50/50 custody over me 

I would be on for one week then off the next then back on (repeats) 

I would be able to take staff meetings 

Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: As of this moment yes

Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Yes I am aware

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):

A: I am currently VIP+

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1 hour ago, TTV/CheapNeasy said:

This is definitely a complicated one. I've only interacted with you once. And haven't seen you on much (I'm on almost daily, so the every other week thing isn't an excuse) your app is bare. And you just barely hit the time limit (which like i said, your situation is complicated. I understand) 


I'm barely a - Support. Simply due to the fact that your app is bare and you are unable to be on 50% of the time. 

Thanks for the critique hopefully one day I could become staff

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+Support Reasons


+/-Support Reasons

-Enough hours

-Support Reasons

-Never seen in-game

-Bad paragraph

-this doesn't answer the question -> My parents are divorced and my mom and dad have 50/50 custody over me

-Previous jails

-Bad forum activity

-Bad discord activity

Overall -Support.

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3 hours ago, Laq Law said:

+Support Reasons


+/-Support Reasons

-Enough hours

-Support Reasons

-Never seen in-game

-Bad paragraph

-this doesn't answer the question -> My parents are divorced and my mom and dad have 50/50 custody over me

-Previous jails

-Bad forum activity

-Bad discord activity

Overall -Support.


whomst the fucketh are you 

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4 hours ago, Laq Law said:

+Support Reasons


+/-Support Reasons

-Enough hours

-Support Reasons

-Never seen in-game

-Bad paragraph

-this doesn't answer the question -> My parents are divorced and my mom and dad have 50/50 custody over me

-Previous jails

-Bad forum activity

-Bad discord activity

Overall -Support.

lol who -support

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23 hours ago, Laq Law said:

+Support Reasons


+/-Support Reasons

-Enough hours

-Support Reasons

-Never seen in-game

-Bad paragraph

-this doesn't answer the question -> My parents are divorced and my mom and dad have 50/50 custody over me

-Previous jails

-Bad forum activity

-Bad discord activity

Overall -Support.

Yeah - Support from me as well.

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23 hours ago, Laq Law said:

+Support Reasons


+/-Support Reasons

-Enough hours

-Support Reasons

-Never seen in-game

-Bad paragraph

-this doesn't answer the question -> My parents are divorced and my mom and dad have 50/50 custody over me

-Previous jails

-Bad forum activity

-Bad discord activity

Overall -Support.

-support for reasons above

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