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Big_Sherminators staff application

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Your Username:

A: Mr Doof


Your SteamID:

A: STEAM_0:0:484082523


Your Discord Name and #:

A: Mr Doof#3241


Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: Yes

I have been punished for NLR, RDM and fail RP (I've also been punished for lbs but it was by mistake and I got unbanned so I wont count it). Everytime I am punished I recheck the MOTD and so I have slowly become more and more cautious.


Your Age:

A: I am 15.


Your Timezone:

A:  GMT+8


Time Played:

A: I have no idea, but I've got 32 skill points.


Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: Nope


Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: Many times my request for an admin has either been timed out or accepted too late and the damage logs have been cleared due to the fact I live in a timezone when many staff members are asleep. I would love to fix this issue as I'm sick of people getting away with rdm, rda and other various punishable offences.


How often can you be on the server?:

A: I am a school kid who doesn't play any sports or is in any clubs so I have a lot of free time on my hands. I usually play around 2-6 hours during week days and 4-12 hours on weekends/holidays. 


Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: I check up on the MOTD everytime I'm punished for something so I've become very accustomed to the rules this server has.


Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: I usually don't RP a lot and I can be found just wandering the map without a purpose just collecting skill points. I feel like being staff member would help me become more productive.


Are you aware that you must be active on the discord/forums aswell as in-game to keep a staff position if you are accepted? (Recommended to be active on both before applying)

A: I've begun communicating more with the community lately on Discord and its been a very slow process, but if I was to become staff I believe I could become more engaged with both platforms.

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):

A: I am VIP+

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-Didn't Follow TOS.

-Bad Application.

-You are an extremely mingy and toxic person.

-Just jailed you after you told me and the guy you killed that it was so you could become president.

-Not fit for a staffing position.

-Kept being extremely disrespectful to Frosty and I after Frosty did someone a favor.



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- Support

- Doofy as you are, sometimes you are troubler maker in the game

- as witnessed on the screenshots then depends whose side you are and when you are not on admin team, you kinda put them down. So kinda controversial issue perhaps

- Why not learn the otherway around it?




Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: I check up on the MOTD everytime I'm punished for something so I've become very accustomed to the rules this server has.



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8 hours ago, Chode Inspector said:

literally just made a forum account to say this kid is a whiney minge who insulted staff over 100k.

so i guess,




but for my thoughts its gonna be a - support from me too

your kind of mingey and you propblocked a lot the other day

a lil toxic, but ur nice to me

not a paragraph

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-S U P P O R T

- Super mingy

- Told me as a cop to split the money bags with him

- Tells people to break the rules

- Very petty

- Lies to staff

- Didn't follow TOS

- Horrible app, not a paragraph and didn't talk about yourself

- Advertised app

- Said in OOC to buy his guns and RDM

+ Active in game


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Bruh how you make a staff app and get this much hate lol



-he pays to win (just a joke lol)

-you break rules all the time, and then insult staff when they punish you

-you are toxic to literally everyone

-you have literally no activity anywhere besides in game

-follow the tos

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