The Real Mexican Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 Your Username: A: The Real Mexican Your SteamID? Ex. STEAM_0:0:71487010: A:STEAM_0:1:160047482 Your Discord Name and #: A: PAC Enzo#6617 Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?: A: 5 min jail for RDM a long time ago Your Age: A: 18 Your Timezone: A: BST Time Played: A: I have over 300 hours on the server but for some reason it has been reset. Staffing Experience (Optional): A: I used to staff on this server. Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph): A: I have staffed on this server before and spent a lot of my time on here. I loved it even though I would be the only one on mostly. The reason I was demoted was due to me being in and out of hospital a lot which has now been resolved. I am from the UK so I can be on at high peak and low peak hours when other staff members wouldn't. I feel like I did really well when I was staff before knew all the rules and staffed to my full potential and I am wanting to do the same again and make the community a better place. How often can you be on the server?: A: Most of the night in my time anything up to 10 hours Are you familiar with the rules?: A: Yes have read the through the rules many times Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server? A: Yes and I am wanting to put that time into the community Have you read the TOS? (here) Your application will be denied if you do not read these! : A: Yes I have What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, Exhibitionist, User): A: Exhibitionist but for some reason it says VIP+ need have tried to contact staff but haven't heard anything back about it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jush Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 -/+ support I really want you to become staff because a UK staff member would really benefit us. Sadly your activity is very low, forums, discord, and ingame Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trippy/Cardigan Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 +support Ex-Staff I see you on quite a bit -support Demoted Inactive With The Community (Discord/Forums) Overall Im going to have to go with +/- Support, Im going to wait and see what other people say about you b4 I make my decision, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Basilisk Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 +support Nice Guy You will be on when others are not -support not active on discord or forums much Overall I'm gonna go with + support and give you a second chance to see what you can do Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gradyhasautism Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 Fat +support +mature as hell +know the rules better than most staff (not offense to staff) -activity +support just get your activity up so everyone else will +support this Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
George Sr Nicker Posted April 29, 2020 Share Posted April 29, 2020 -Support -Follow the TOS/format -Low forum activity -Zero discord activity -Half your paragraph is explaining why you were demoted -App is bad +/-None +10 hours per day is above and beyond if you’re telling the truth +Former staff Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nelson Posted April 30, 2020 Share Posted April 30, 2020 +/-support -low forum and discord activity -bad app +has had past experience +active in game Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Walter Black Posted April 30, 2020 Share Posted April 30, 2020 -Support - Did not follow the format this will be denied. Are you aware that you must be active on the discord/forums aswell as in-game to keep a staff position if you are accepted? (Recommended to be active on both before applying) A: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Real Mexican Posted April 30, 2020 Author Share Posted April 30, 2020 22 hours ago, George Sr Nicker said: -Support -Follow the TOS/format -Low forum activity -Zero discord activity -Half your paragraph is explaining why you were demoted -App is bad +/-None +10 hours per day is above and beyond if you’re telling the truth +Former staff i did follow the format but i pasted it to notepad because the black background and white text really hurts my eyes and struggle to read it. also i am in discord VC everyday. But i will try to be more active in text chat aswell then Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Awesomenebneb Posted April 30, 2020 Share Posted April 30, 2020 +Former staff -Not followed Formatting/TOS -Low forum activity -No discord activity -Bad para -Rushed app -SUPPORT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Walter Black Posted April 30, 2020 Share Posted April 30, 2020 3 hours ago, The Real Mexican said: i did follow the format but i pasted it to notepad because the black background and white text really hurts my eyes and struggle to read it. also i am in discord VC everyday. But i will try to be more active in text chat aswell then You should of went through your app and made sure everything was there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Javinko Posted May 1, 2020 Share Posted May 1, 2020 Overall - support Didn't follow format not very good reasons not active on forums former staff Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Rocondo Posted May 1, 2020 Share Posted May 1, 2020 +Support -though your application seems a little rushed: -you’re active -I like you’re age and time zone -you’re an ex staff Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damplips Posted May 2, 2020 Share Posted May 2, 2020 Denied you may reapply in one week Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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