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ban report


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Your in-game name:
$$$$ Yuno $$$$

Users IGN:Ā 
no room for racism tardo

Users SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/šŸ˜ž

Explain what happened:
no room for racism tardo using the osama bomb twice with no adverts killing people, and did it multiple times killing no one.

Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. Saying "just look at server logs" isn't evidence)
I'm not sureĀ if I can just make a ban report by just looking through the console but I wasn't able to clip the times where I saw him do it. From the console itself, you can see him actually advert terror killing people with the env_explosion. After he adverted over, he continued to kill people with the jihad bomb (env_explosion), even some times you can see him suicide without killing anyone (but I'm not sure that it counts as hard evidence). I don't think theres any other weapon that shows up at env_explosion in console, but I may be wrong.Ā 
edit: not even half an hour later already rdming more
https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/72787429/d1337SNp0yv6?invite=cr-MSxqY0ksMTE5MDUxNTAsĀ (end of clip)

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