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EXIT's Staff APP


Should exit be staff again?  

12 members have voted

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Your Username:


Your SteamID:

A: STEAM_0:0:42256204

Your Discord Name and #:

A: EXIT#5173


Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

A: No I have never :)


Your Age:

A: 22


Your Timezone:

A: GMT +1


Time Played:

A: 1.000+hours

My timer has been reset due to inactivity, so I am at 40 hours now.


Staffing Experience (Optional):

A: First off I have had my own servers here and there for various games, including Gmod.

1. I have been Admin at CivilGamers.

2. Owner of Medieval-RP.

3. Owner of Medieval - Minecraft.

4. SeniorModerator at MBRP.

5. Some other random small servers.


Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph):

A: I should be accepted since I am a very experienced staff member.

Also because I have been Senior Mod in the past on MBRP (Somewhere last year). And that I used to put in countless hours and sits on the server.

I had to give up being staff at MBRP because I have had a burn-out in my private life, Which affected me not being able to go staffing or taking sits. So I basically had to say goodbye to everyone and leave, Sadly.

Aside from that, I love to be back and I want to help out MBRP again, I would be forever grateful if I can be a part of the staff team again.

I just love the community a lot and I missed everyone! See you in the server ❤️ 


How often can you be on the server?:

A: Whenever I can,  I'm back baby! XD


Are you familiar with the rules?:

A: I know every single rule and procedure.


Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server?

A: Yes, I'm good at switching back and forth a lot. So that shouldn't be a problem.


Are you aware that you must be active on the discord/forums aswell as in-game to keep a staff position if you are accepted? (Recommended to be active on both before applying)

A: Yes, I am already active on all platforms again.

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User):


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8 hours ago, Freeze said:


ex staff ( apparently )

good hours ( talking bout the 1k )


Never saw you ingame, on discord or on forums

no poll ( tos )


Sorry i completely forgot about it. I have fixed it tho :D

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Overall +/- support 

+ ex staff

+ super nice guy

+ lots of hours 

+/- only just returned yesterday

- no real activity on forums/ discord 

- your paragraph need to be bulked up a bit looks a bit lacklustre  


Bringing this to a conclusion I think if you are really wanting be be staff again you should get more active instead of jumping the gun and applying straight away. But EXIT is one of the nicest ex- staff this man is the reason I became staff in the first place, all the best with the application!\



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-Former Senior Moderator and was good at it.

-Cool guy.

-Actually helpful.



-Unfortunately inactive on all platforms.

-Paragraph says why you left staff the first time, not really why you should be staff now.

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+ support

Ex staff on MBRP

Good hours

Cool guy

- support

Just returned, inactive (should look to being more active before being dead set on returning as staff)

overall +/- support from me, we do need staff on the server and I trust others judgment that you were great staff in the past and would hope so for the future if permitted. Good luck man say what’s up to me if you see me on the server today! 

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4 minutes ago, slipd1 said:

+ Support.

Plenty of play time

- Support.
Only came back yesterday
Paragraph doesn't explain much

Not trying to be that guy but there is still TOS for supporting an application. "1. You are required to have at least 10 posts on the forums.

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- Ex staff
- Good hours (before they reset)
- Quite known
- Seen you around a lot
- Seems cool


- Only just came back.

Overall, +Support.

Good luck! :) 

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inactive on discord and forums

just came back

no clue who you are


this is gonna be a -support. it kinda feels like you came back just to get your roles back instead of really being involved with the community :/ sorry man

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