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Lings staff report


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Your in-game name: Jush


Staff members name: Ling


Staff member SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/): STEAM_0:1:13572868


Explain what happened:

I raided Nick and Lings base after I did that I had a full raid bag that I wanted to give away to Patches, a person that I knew. As I was dropping it for him, Nick grabs the raid bag and runs into spawn, which is frpx2. He makes a sit and almost immediately LING takes it (which is surprising since staff are lazy). In the sit I was asked why I killed Nick, I said he stole my raid bag. Ling immediately takes his side. Ling then proceeds to ask for proof from me instead of Nick. I say I don't need proof if Nick doesn't have any either since its a he/she said sit. Then Ling says that nothing shows up in logs (which according to a  staff member there aren't any logs for it). I then tell Ling that I dont need proof since its a he/she said sit and that I shouldn't be jailed but he still does it anyways. 

Also I realized that I didn't have enough storage and the cause of the sit (the not rdm) didn't save since its a 20 minute clip which is bigger than the 6 minute clip but it doesn't matter if I did or didn't rdm him because it was still a he/she said sit and I was jailed without any evidence. Also the random blackouts or cuts are because I tabbed out and had other apps open.  

Evidence (screenshots, video, chat log, etc. This is required! Saying "just check server logs" isn't evidence.)




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So, yes you needed a clip to prove he really stole your raid bag, since PickUp logs doesn't work with raid bags. But, the other player lied in the sit, and I was here when he stole the raid bag (I don't have evidence that he stole it tho).

+/- Support. It's not LING's fault, if Nick wouldn't have lied about the fact he stole your raid bag, LING wouldn't have punished you for RDM.

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4 minutes ago, freezeツ -𝘾𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝓝𝓟𝓒 said:

+/- Support. It's not LING's fault, if Nick wouldn't have lied about the fact he stole your raid bag, LING wouldn't have punished you for RDM.

Wdym its not LINGs fault, Ling is the staff member, a senior mod at that, and in the clip Nick even says "its up to you" The dude is at fault. 

5 minutes ago, freezeツ -𝘾𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝓝𝓟𝓒 said:

So, yes you needed a clip to prove he really stole your raid bag, since PickUp logs doesn't work with raid bags.

I don't need to provide clips (I only need to if the person who made the sit actually has "proof") since I am not the one making the sit when its a he/she said sit. And as far as I know raid bags hasn't worked since it got released so that should be common knowledge to a senior mod. 

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15 minutes ago, Jush said:

Wdym its not LINGs fault, Ling is the staff member, a senior mod at that, and in the clip Nick even says "its up to you" The dude is at fault. 

I don't need to provide clips (I only need to if the person who made the sit actually has "proof") since I am not the one making the sit when its a he/she said sit. And as far as I know raid bags hasn't worked since it got released so that should be common knowledge to a senior mod. 

thats not cap that Nick should have showed a clip to LING, but yeah im still gonna keep my +/- support.

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I only am going to say -SUPPORT in punishment for LING (staff strike). Maybe just a teaching over something?

Nick lied about stealing the raid bag. Manager shows people's inventories and he had a raid bag at time of death.

He also didn't advert steal anywhere around 01:14:34

You taking the punishment is dumb I agree.
It isn't RDM as you were trying to get something that got stolen from you back.

  • You are KOS to the victim being stolen from. They are not KOS to you until they do damage to you first.

I think Nick should be given a FRP punishment definitely with a lying in sit punishment too and your record should be wiped of the Jail from the kill.
Ling doesn't need a staff strike from this, seems like a simple mistake and maybe he didn't know too much about inventory checks or was being lazy..

Jush, you should've supplied a clip on this staff report of Nick taking the bag as what if he actually fought with his words that he, "already had a raid bag".


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5 hours ago, freezeツ -𝘾𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙞𝙚𝙙 𝓝𝓟𝓒 said:

So, yes you needed a clip to prove he really stole your raid bag, since PickUp logs doesn't work with raid bags. But, the other player lied in the sit, and I was here when he stole the raid bag (I don't have evidence that he stole it tho).

+/- Support. It's not LING's fault, if Nick wouldn't have lied about the fact he stole your raid bag, LING wouldn't have punished you for RDM.

how the fuck did you get admin if this is your mindset

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he was saying that he had a clip and thats what he said in chat

but he refused to show the clip so then i proceeded to jail him

jush i dont really care if you raided me im not mad over that i just take sits no matter what its about so you really saying that (which is surprising since staff are lazy) does not really mean anything 

tbh i clipped the whole sit aswell and if you would like to see my perspective then you can 

''if you have the clip of him taking the raid bag i would like to see it'' thats what i said in the clip itself



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- Support: Bad evidence 😭😿

Jush said that he got a clip but dont need to show it.... 

If you have the clip you can use it as evidence agains Nick, but Jush chose not to.

At the end of the day the logs only shows that you killed Nick as a rdm.


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taking a side without double checking if its true

manager shows what people are holding at time of death

also technically speaking nick is breaking nlr for trying to steal back his stuff

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he could have used rdm manager to check with this sitatuion + being biased this is his second time doing this 

should be striked as its not lings first time fucking up


3 hours ago, Mr. Autist said:

At the end of the day the logs only shows that you killed Nick as a rdm.

if you actually read through the staff report you can see that in logs nick was in the wrong and jush was right

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