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Cgilb569s MBRP staff application

its cgilb569

do you think cgilb569 would be a good fit for staff?  

4 members have voted

  1. 1. should cgilb569 be staff?

    • yes
    • no (please explain why, for future reference)

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  • Poll closed on 11/04/22 at 03:46 AM

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Your Username: cgilb569

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:459375048

Your Discord Name and #: shocked#0648

Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?:

Yes,  one punishment that I have is missing a cooldown timer by 1 - 2 mins.

and the other is one frp when the kidnap thing kept getting changed.

Your Age:


Your Timezone:


Time Played:

304:52:15 and 1100+ on drp

Staffing Experience (Optional):  yes I was previous staff on drp for a short time period and had one staff report for jailing a man for 3 rda when it was 2 rda due to some miscommunication and the main part in that and the part that I hope to improve on was the response I gave in the staff report, And paying more attention to the minor details. Another thing that I learned with on this is to respect the server more and to work more with the staff around you instead of putting your tail in between my legs and leaving the problems behind.

Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph): 

Why should I be accepted into the staff team? One reason I should be accepted to the staff team is that I only want to improve myself as a staff member while also serving as a role model for both fellow staff and players. My next reason is the fact that I'm always willing to learn and to improve upon everything that I can do, and I always take into consideration the opinions and tips of others in the community and hope to reflect that to everyone . Now To add to the list on why I think I should be accepted is the fact that I'm very committed to the community. One way I'm committed is through my hours with the exhibition servers, as it totals up to about 1400+, which shows that I not only care for the server but also want to improve it. Another reason I should be accepted is that I know the basics of staffing. This includes but is not limited to commands, punishment times, how to treat the players, and the do’s and don'ts as staff. My final reason is that I have only received one minor punishment (five minutes) in 300 hours on MBRP, demonstrating that I am well-versed in the rules and again really want to be more of a role model instead of someone people look down on and disagree with..

How often can you be on the server?:

normally around 2-5 hours minimum on week days and on weekends it's about 6-9 hours minimum

Are you familiar with the rules?:


Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server? 

Yes I got plenty I'm a little builder boy lol

Are you aware that you must be active on the discord/forums as well as in-game to keep a staff position if you are accepted? (Recommended to be active on both before applying) : 

Yes, and I plan on working a lot more on these mainly as it is a major weak point.

What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User): 



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+Support Reasons

  • Decent hours

-Support Reasons

  • More DRP hours
  • Previous staff report
  • Sussy (talks about putting tails between his legs)
  • Haven't seen you in game
  • Didn't you just apply on DRP?
  • Doesn't know how to forums
  • L name
  • Must be a freshman 
  • Calls himself "little builder boy"

OVERALL -SUPPORT. L staff app.

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Overall - support

+/- app is mid kinda a copy and paste from your DRP app 

+/-mess up a couple times as staff before

-applied on DRP attempting to on MBRP( doesn’t know how to navigate forums)

- not active on forums on discord 

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1 minute ago, LlamaJuice42 said:
  • wow 1100 on drp!! this is mbrp LMAO
  • accidentally posted a app on drp instead of mbrp (doesnt really sound like you care if you cant be bothered to place it initially in the right spot)
  • randomly got active and then made an application within the month. no long term recent activity.
  • almost no discord activity??
    3 results lol



-support overall. goodluck, though.

hey yea for the discord one it is cause i left and rejoined and the for the drp one used an old link which i thought was the correct one it was not.

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