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Mike Staff Report

anne frank 215

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Your in-game name: anne frank 215


Staff members name: Mike


Staff member SteamID(http://steamidfinder.com/):STEAM_0:1:49887586


Explain what happened: I received a 7 day ban for "harassing" a player who was prop blocking a territory he was taking that the gang I'm in currently owned. I was banned for reacting in frustration to someone clearly breaking the rules, which I think is harassment in itsef, I was being harassed by Gorilla he was cheating in order to get a reaction out me. Mike claims to have banned me because of "previous offenses" which he has still yet to show me, in the video below you will see him refusing to answer the question. In my original ban appeal Mike replied "The ban is going to be reduced but let's cut the crap here, you were warned recently for harassing gorilla after he asked you to stop" He has failed to tell me or provide evidence of where I "was warned" because I wasn't. Also said by Mike " Not only you were warned, but George Miller, Biggie Cheese, and Maze were warned for harassment and if it continued a ban would be put in place." I was not warned, again, I don't know where he's getting it from but seems to be the only reason he was to ban me and not give me a simple jail. I was not aware that these other players were warned, again he did not give me any kind of warning. My ban has been shortened to 2 days but I don't see why it couldn't have been a simple jail, I haven't been punished for this its clearly bullshit. In the video below you will see him dodging questions, and making up fantasies. I think its very unfair I receive a 2 day ban for reacting how any normal person would after another player is cheating in front of them, it is clearly an act of bias, because of the gang I'm in. I think my ban should be shortened to a simple jail as it's my first offense of harassment.



Video of Mike not showing me where I was previously warnedhttps://imgur.com/a/Yq2dUBu 

Pictures of my previous bans none of which include harrasment: 7bL7krQ.png

Previous thread of my original ban appeal: https://www.exhibitionrp.com/topic/25293-anne-frank-215-ban-appeal/?tab=comments#comment-201255 (which should be shortened to a simple jail as its my first offense"

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If someone tells you to stop harassing another player, its simple all you have to do is stop, you were warned by me a few days ago in a sit to stop with the harassment. Gorilla asked you to stop in ooc, He asked Biggie to stop and he asked George miller to stop, you continued, and a sit was called on you for continuous harassment. I warned you then if you continued a ban would be put in place. I asked Trosa what the amount should be and I was told 7 days. I was also just told that Kudaa already has stated that harassment by any of you would result in an immediate five-day ban, restriction and content moderation for the first offense.

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Just now, Mike said:

If someone tells you to stop harassing another player, its simple all you have to do is stop, you were warned by me a few days ago in a sit to stop with the harassment. Gorilla asked you to stop in ooc, He asked Biggie to stop and he asked George miller to stop, you continued, and a sit was called on you for continuous harassment. I warned you then if you continued a ban would be put in place. I asked Trosa what the amount should be and I was told 7 days. I was also just told that Kudaa already has stated that harassment by any of you would result in an immediate five-day ban, restriction and content moderation for the first offense.

Where though? wanna check the logs or do u wanna keep lying ur ass off. Yet again, you're proving you group MS up as a whole, I didn't hear anything from George Miller, or Biggie or anyone. Can't recall being asked to "stop" either. You wanna provide evidence or just keep saying you "warned me" over and over again.

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Here's the main problem that I see here, you know what you were doing and you were even asked to stop by the person who made the sit against you. The warning was also given out for the group saying that the harassment has to stop and punishments are going to be higher considering this is a reoccurring thing. I think that the reduced ban that was given is fair enough for now since that warning was given out for the group. Also, we are not trying to target individual members in the group at all, its just that this is where the main problems are coming from.

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ServerLog: "Gorillaa<539><STEAM_0:1:536147211><Master Thief>" say "// stop harassing me anne frank 215"
ServerLog: "Gorillaa<539><STEAM_0:1:536147211><Master Thief>" say "@anne frank wont stop harassing me/ hes part of minge society"

The only people getting grouped up are the ones that are making waves together. If you simply stop making waves you wouldn't be grouped up. There are nearly 50 members in MS gang including other staff members, retired staff members, and players that simply aren't even involved in anything that you guys do, none of those people are being grouped up with you guys. 

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