KnownasGunter Posted February 27, 2020 Share Posted February 27, 2020 Your Username: A: Gunterr Your SteamID? Ex. STEAM_0:0:71487010: A: STEAM_0:1:89332174 Your Discord Name and #: A: Godzilla#2672 Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?: A: I was about to be jailed due to rdm but it was an accident so I told the guy and he said but I had a gun so I paid him so it would be fine. Your Age: A: 14 Your Timezone: A: GMT+3:30 Time Played: A: 137 Hours Staffing Experience (Optional): A: None Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph): A: Due to my time zone I'm not always on at the best time therefore I see a lot of rule breakers as I understand some admins are unable to be there as its an American server. I believe that if I become a staff member I would be able to support with such issues both at the prime hours but also when the server is not so populated. I am also able to speak multiple languages such as Pharsi, German, English and I'm also learning French. This is a good ability when dealing with foreign members that cant speak English too well, I can help them to get an understanding of the rules of the server and also make sure they are able to communicate with others and also most importantly not break rules when playing. I also participate on an Arma 3 server where I am apart of a faction that requires great roleplay but also maturity and the ability to not get angered quickly in situations as they deal with many people so it's best to do it in a professional manner. This will help with taking sits calmly but also correctly and even calming the situation in some circumstances , personally I've always been a person that doesn't get angered quickly or easy to get on my nerves. I'm very open minded and also feel like there's always room to improve and can take constructive criticism even if it may hurt as long as it improves me as a person or how I'm doing my duties as a member of staff. I have lots of experience with modding and mods on games/servers so I could also help out with technical problems of players or even staff members. I also constantly work on improving my activity on all platforms. I appreciate anyone who reads this and thank you for your time. How often can you be on the server?: A: Everyday for atleast 3-4 hours Are you familiar with the rules?: A: Yes Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server? A: Yes Have you read the TOS? (here) Your application will be denied if you do not read these! : A: Yes What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, Exhibitionist, User): A: Exhibitionist Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Rocondo Posted February 28, 2020 Share Posted February 28, 2020 +\- support -don’t really know you -low discord and forum activity -decent staff application Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ImTheLetterE Posted February 28, 2020 Share Posted February 28, 2020 +/- support i dont really know you decent forum activity good paragraph only thing is no one really knows you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SexDrugsAndViolence Posted February 28, 2020 Share Posted February 28, 2020 -SUPPORT 1) Don't know you. Not a lot of people do apparently. 2) Age (Thought this could be changed if I get to know you) 3) Not very active on the server. 137 hrs.. meh. I may change my support if I see you on more and get to know you. Your app isn't bad but I think you made it too early. However I see a lot of potential in you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hollow Posted February 28, 2020 Share Posted February 28, 2020 +/- support - not well known around community + not bad time +decent application Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
goober16615 Posted February 29, 2020 Share Posted February 29, 2020 +Support -Good paragraph -Foreign languages (even though it's a US server it's still a good thing) -Seems mature -Seen in game +/- Support -Minimum age -Eh hours -Support -Don't know you too well -Low Forum/discord activity Ima go +Support Best of luck Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gigga Posted February 29, 2020 Share Posted February 29, 2020 +/- Support -Haven't really heard any good or bad things about you -Good app -I've only seen you on a few times Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Damplips Posted March 2, 2020 Share Posted March 2, 2020 Denied You may reapply in one week Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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