BillCosby Posted April 7, 2020 Share Posted April 7, 2020 Your Username: A: BillCosby Your SteamID: A: STEAM_0:1:104797112 Your Discord Name and #: A: Seymour#5090 Have you ever been punished on ExhibitionRP? If so, why?: A: Yes I was jailed 3 weeks ago for apparently not adverting raid, but the admin that jailed me got demoted later. I've been jailed 2 other times for FRP because I waited 8 out of the 15 minutes between a raid on the same people. Your Age: A: 15 Almost 16 Your Timezone: A: GMT Time Played: A: 315 Hours Staffing Experience (Optional): A: I currently staff on 2 larger discord servers, but they don't take much maintenance. I staffed on MysticRP for 5 months before they inevitably shut down. I was also an admin on BloodFuze PVP (Rust Server) for 2 ½ months before I quit due to me being one of the only admins on and the server was slowly dying out. Why should you be accepted to the staff team? (One Paragraph): A: I should be accepted into the staff team because I have good morals and staffing experience. I'm a pretty laid back and neutral person so I won't take sides and be able to do the best job I can. I am good at talking to and reasoning with people and won't get heated or annoyed, no matter what. I'm familiar with the current staff and cool with most of them so there isn't any bad blood there. I'll be able to be on when most admins can't because of my time zone and lengthy hours I'm looking forward to serving. The current game is getting a bit dry so this experience will be fresh and new. I'm very responsive on discord and can hop on whenever shit hits the fan if I'm not there already. I love this community and don't want to see the server be under-staffed and die like so many others. I'll listen to both sides of every story and be as fair as I can. I won't have a biased against anyone and treat everyone the same. I don't mind helping new players do certain tasks, even if they are really small. I will not lie and always tell the truth, regardless if it benefits me or not. Any decision that I make can also be referred back to because I almost always record all of my gameplay. How often can you be on the server?: A: 8-10 hours on school days. 13 on weekends. Are you familiar with the rules?: A: Yes Are you aware that you will lose a large amount of RP time on the server? A: Yes Are you aware that you must be active on the discord/forums aswell as in-game to keep a staff position if you are accepted? (Recommended to be active on both before applying) A: Yes What rank are you on the server (VIP, VIP+, User): A: Exhibitionist. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
George Sr Nicker Posted April 7, 2020 Share Posted April 7, 2020 -Support +Nice guy +Good at making a sit if theres a problem +As far as im aware you understand the rules +Great paragraph and overall application + Great hours + Great availability +/- None -An admin or somebody that's wants to be should be able to find a steam ID -Your usage of the word ‘apparently’ makes me think you may hold grudges. Its as far as the admin in question could see in logs, why would he lie? -Low forum and discord activity; as its stated “Recommended to be active on both before applying” as of writing this you’ve made 9 posts on the forum and only used the main discord today and a tiny bit yesterday. -Haven’t really seen you on except for the past 2-3 days come to think of it. I was doing terror as a terrorist sniper, I killed you and you came back with a sniper rifle. As a hobo. I wasn't gonna put this in here but I will as a matter of fact and to change my neutral support to a negative support. I'd love to see you helping staff the server but I think you need to be more active overall. I'd say reapply at a later date and taking the meanwhile to be more active and to more thoroughly learn the rules on the server. Best wishes to you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hollow Posted April 7, 2020 Share Posted April 7, 2020 +support +okay app (find steam id) +seem mature and chill +okay activity I see you on everything alittle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BiggieCheese Posted April 7, 2020 Share Posted April 7, 2020 +support -Normally chill whenever I see you in-game -Never has really gotten into trouble -Mature enough to deal with people Just try to get your activity on the forums and discord up and you’ll be set (oh and get a good knowledge of all the rules as it’ll help you out big time). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bman Posted April 7, 2020 Share Posted April 7, 2020 + Support -Good App -very Active -knows the rules -Support -Should have gotten Steam ID -not a lot of forum activity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Rocondo Posted April 7, 2020 Share Posted April 7, 2020 - Support -not active on all platforms -has been in a few sits -should know how to get a steamid... -not sure about you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kevina Posted April 7, 2020 Share Posted April 7, 2020 +/- Support I dont really remember seeing you on a lot but i have recently - youre chill and mature - It's not hard to find your steamid.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Walter Black Posted April 7, 2020 Share Posted April 7, 2020 +Support +Mature +Enforces rules and is on good sides of sits. +See you on a lot -Not a lot of forum activity -Couldn't find steam ID at first. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gradyhasautism Posted April 7, 2020 Share Posted April 7, 2020 -sup -you just started being active as in on discord and forums right before this went up -your not really mature in any way that I've seen you +good application -/+ it was a rust server, and I don't know how those staff member work, as in how relayed they are to gmod Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jush Posted April 7, 2020 Share Posted April 7, 2020 I mean honestly idk. Last night I saw you taking over our territory without adverting which isnt very staff like imo. You haven't made much of an impression on the forums to me Until recently you haven't been on much (to me at least). You couldn't find your steam id at first? And you've been in quite a few sits according to John. So I gotta say, -support honestly. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wump Posted April 8, 2020 Share Posted April 8, 2020 +Support -nice guy -knows rules -Mature Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gigga Posted April 8, 2020 Share Posted April 8, 2020 Changed to a +Support +Active in game -Not much forums / discord activity -You should learn how to get a steam ID +Good app +Nice guy +Good hours Just don't know you enough to give you my support. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teh epic frog Posted April 9, 2020 Share Posted April 9, 2020 +support Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Calcium Helium Posted April 9, 2020 Share Posted April 9, 2020 +support Great Guy Mature Active in discord Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucify Posted April 9, 2020 Share Posted April 9, 2020 +support good at killing mexicans knows rules seems mature Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SexDrugsAndViolence Posted April 9, 2020 Share Posted April 9, 2020 -SUPPORT 1) Little annoying 2) Didn't know what a STEAM ID is. 3) Not really active on all platforms. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mechz Posted April 12, 2020 Share Posted April 12, 2020 + Support + Seems mature + Good app +/- Support +/- Decent forum activity - Support - N/A Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert. Posted April 13, 2020 Share Posted April 13, 2020 Denied You may reapply in one week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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